To date, Concast India has erected and commissioned over 500 continuous casting machines, garnering a sterling reputation for efficient and timely completion of jobs. The continuous casters provided by Concast India are known for delivering a superior quality cast product at the most economical cost.

The services provided by Concast India include:


Erection of Billet, Bloom, Rounds, Slab and Beam-Blank Casting Machines in shortest possible time by mobilizing appropriate supervisors and delivering quality manufactured sub-systems. Concast India ’s engineering team works together with the customer’s personnel to expedite erection.


Commissioning of Billet, Bloom, Rounds, Slab and Beam-Blank Casting Machines, from the 1st cast onwards to ensure trouble-free production of high-quality cast products. The commissioning experts also provide necessary insights into upstream as well as downstream processes to ensure acceptable quality of finished products.